During my guided photo safari we have some very special encounters with young animals of all species
Giving gratuity is part of the tourism culture in South Africa so you will need cash for this and a few other cash expenses. Credit cards are not always advisable so I recommend cash.
While we sit and watch the majestic large mammals grazing and herding in front of our open safari vehicle we are not aware of a the subplot playing out around us. The ox pecker is hard at work rushing about the backs of the animals cleaning ticks and other parasites from their hides and their cries go unnoticed by us among the other noises of the bushveld.
This safari story is a short incident of two fighting giraffes that are a very exciting and vivid memory for me.
Contained herein I describe some of my favorite moments of 2013 with the accompanying images. I had a great year starting with sailfish in Mexico, then manatees and cageless tiger shark adventures, whale sharks and giant mantas. Also 2 different trips to South Africa for safaris groups yielded many great stories and memories.
Fun to watch and fascinating, the dung beetle’s actions help prevent methane green house gas emission and they roll their balls fixing their positions to the sun and stars.
Only in their third day and our guests have told me that we have exceeded our expectations. We have seen rhinos in abundance, ostrich, kudu, nyala, and more while enjoying the scenery and great warm weather.
I discuss how to use the Split Toning tool to boost the color of a image which seems a bit flat.
In this tutorial I show you how to correct “red eye” in wildlife image and then enhance the eyes to be more intense.
We stopped by the hyena den on this morning’s game drive and were rewarded with two pups and the babysitter.