2017 A Year of Wildlife Photography all over the World

This year my photo tours took me all over the world.

Each location yielded great photo opportunities for my guests and many had achieved the fulfillment of a travel dream.

To commemorate the end of 2017, I have chosen these images.

Next year will also be filled with travel, photo tours , wonderful wildlife encounters.


Swim with Sailfish Mexico
Sailfish, Isla Mujeres Mexico

March / April

TIger Shark
Tiger Shark, Bahamas
Great Hammerhead
Great Hammerhead, Bimini Bahamas
Dive with Tiger Sharks
Photographing Tiger Sharks, Bahamas


photograph safari with lions
Lion Cubs at play, Botswana
Photo Safari to South Africa
Elephants, Botswana


Giant Manta Ray
Giant Manta Ray, Isla Mujeres Mexico
Swim with Whale Sharks
Swimming with Whale Sharks, Mexico
Whale Shark
Whale Shark, Mexico


American Crocodile
American Crocodile, Chinchorro, Mexico


Photographing giraffes
Mother and Baby Giraffe, South Africa
photograph Leopards
Leopard, Sabi Sands in South Africa
Photograph Lions in South Africa
Lions hunting buffalo, South Africa


Great White Shark
Great White Shark, Guadalupe
Sea Otter
Sea Otters, Northern California
Mako Shark
Mako Shark, Southern California
Polar Bears in Churchill
Polar Bears, Churchill Canada


Dugong, Philippines


Pygmy Seahorse
Pygmy Seahorse, Anilao Philippines

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